San Francisco Green Party Supervisor Candidate Questionnaire 2016
Due Date: Wednesday, August 31
1. There are 10 sections to this questionnaire. Each section
corresponds with the 10 Key Values of the Green Party.
2. Each section begins with a written question and ends with several
multiple-choice questions. Please don't skip the written question.
3. The multiple-choice questions are answered by checking the box in the
appropriate column to indicate which is closest to your position:
+ = Support / Agree / Yes
- = Oppose / Disagree / No
: = Undecided / Don't know / No opinion
4. The world is too complex to always break down neatly into
yes/no/maybe choices, so feel free to clarify any answers to multiple
choice questions with a few words.
Candidate Name: Tim E. Donnelly
Phone Number: (415) 302-4114
Web site:
Name of Campaign Manager: Yours truly
Are you receiving public financing: No
Signed voluntary spending limit: No
Campaign Manager: Same
2nd, 3rd endorsements in District: N/A
Major Endorsements: Hoping for yours
Favorite Incumbent Supervisor: Norman Yee, good dancer
Least favorite: Don't know any personally
If the election were held today, Who would you support as Board President: London Breed, I think she has surpassed expectations
Who would be your second and third choices: ?
Who did you endorse for Mayor in 2015 (all 3 choices, if applicable): no one
Who did you endorse for Sheriff in 2015: no one
1) Grassroots Democracy: What are your thoughts on Instant Runoff
Voting, and District Elections? How have they worked to date? What
would you change in the future?
Instant runoff makes sense. I like district elections. They are
important for representation, whether they work well or not. I'm not a
fan of incumbents running. Too much advantage and too much
+ - ?
? Sub-government such as Neighborhood Assemblies, Networks or District Councils
? Some commissions should be democratically elected
- The Mayor should appoint all commissioners
+ Voters' right to recall elected officials
+ Residency requirements for elected officials should be strictly enforced
- Ethics Commission should be disbanded
+ Ethics Commission meetings should be televised
? Ethics Commission should prioritize investigating violations from well-funded campaigns
- My campaign accepts corporate contributions not a dime from anyone
- My campaign accepts contributions from paid lobbyists or related entities having any interest in City and County of San Francisco
2) Ecological Wisdom: Please outline your view of the major
environmental and ecological issues facing San Francisco and your
proposed policies to address them.
We have too many people. The City ran real well at 715,000 for
decades. We have some 850,000 now and it's grinding to a halt. We need
to encourage growth in areas like Oakland, who need and want it.
+ - ?
+ Phasing out diesel tour buses
+ Public Power
+ Community Choice Aggregation
? Tidal power that might be harnessed in San Francisco Bay should be publicly controlled
- Reducing or eliminating parking minimums in new housing and commercial development - parked cars do not cause pollution and traffic, cars circling around do. We need to encourage public transportation and be realistic in our policies.
- Congestion tolls on Doyle Drive - build parking at our entrances and keep the cars from driving into the inner-city
+ Natural Areas Program
- Artificial turf on City-owned athletic fields
3) Social Justice:
A) What is your assessment of homelessness in San Francisco, and what
solutions do you propose?
We have become a Mecca, and it is not geed for the City. We need to
provide shelters for those who are working their way out of a hole,
job training for those who have no direction, and collaborate with the
State and Federal entities to provide the care that those who are
suffering with Mental and Physical disabilities need. The broad brush
is a mistake.
+ - ?
+ Project Homeless Connect
+ Care Not Cash
+ Community courts
+ Healthy SF
+ SF's sick leave requirements
? Law against sitting down on SF sidewalks
B) What are your views on housing affordability, what public sector strategies have worked, which have failed, and what are your proposals?
The required "Affordable Housing" should be offered to teachers and
first responders. We should encourage co-operative housing as well.
Oakland needs 100,000 more people to be the vibrant city they want to be,
and they have the land. It is quicker to commute to downtown SF from many
parts of Oakland than from most parts of SF. We need to expand rent
control to include newer housing and businesses.
+ - ?
+ Impacts of all new development should be paid for in advance by fees on developers
? Community Land Trusts
- Rent Control is too strong
? Elected Rent Board
- Condo conversion is currently too difficult
4) Nonviolence: What are your solutions for SFPD accountability while
making the streets safer?
We should extend the training for our officer to include several
months of "Ambassador" positions, whereby they walk a beat in our
business districts. We would have a chance to evaluate their
interaction with the public before they receive a gun and a badge. It
would also be a deterrent to crime in those areas.
+ - ?
? Prioritize SFPD enforcement of moving violations
+ Support expansion of foot patrols - see above
+ Demand stricter accountability in future MOUs with the SFPD
+ The Board of Supervisors should be able to set policies and priorities for the SFPD through legislation
- Support a public safety program modeled after NYC's "Stop and Frisk."
5) Decentralization: What are your thoughts on the Kaufman Charter
of 1996? Does it need revisiting?
Not familiar
+ - ?
? Bring the Housing Authority under the Board of Supervisors
? Will you create formal district councils to advise you?
? Charter amendment allowing voters to choose the replacement of an elected official being recalled on the same ballot as the recall vote
? Immediately implement open-source voting system on the local level
6) Community Based Economics: What economic policies, including
taxation and land use, would you propose that would drive capital into
our communities and keep that capital here for residents?
We have too many out of town firms coming here to do our work. We
should use local companies and workers, and require the same for
builders and developers. We should encourage our civil service workers
to live here, and give priority for overtime and plumb assignment to
those who do.
+ - ?
? Legislation limiting formula retail outlets/chain-stores - let the neighbors have more say in what happens where they live.
+ Conditional Use permit required for big box stores
+ Municipal broadband
+ Local hiring requirements should be enforced - see above
? Conversion of some golf courses into soccer fields - don't play either one
? Prop 13 limits on tax increases should apply only to residential properties
7) Feminism: Do you believe women are underrepresented in city government? If so, why do you believe this is the case? Is this a bad thing, and if so, what would you do to remedy the situation?
I think they have paved the way for themselves. I don't think we have
a problem voting for a woman for any office.
+ - ?
+ The City should help SFUSD provide child care for children of working parents - said so in my website
+ The DPH should provide reproductive health services
? Require parental consent for minors seeking an abortion
? Require parental notification for minors seeking an abortion
8) Respect for Diversity: Tell us what you believe are the best and the
worst aspects of San Francisco's diversity. How would you try to
protect the best while trying to change the worst?
not a fan of Social Engineering. I believe everybody should have the
right and be encouraged to pursue their dreams and make their own
+ - ?
+ Multilingual government and education
? Undocumented immigrants should have equal access to education and health care
- Non-citizen residents should be able to vote in all local elections
+ Full rights for transgender persons
- Boards and commissions now reflect the ethnic diversity of San Francisco
- Boards and commissions now reflect the political diversity of San Francisco
? My campaign reflects the diversity of San Francisco
9) Global and Personal Responsibility:
A) What are your thoughts on the
Board of Supervisors taking positions on state, national and
international issues?
that's fine as long as the running of this City remains a priority
+ - ?
- City government cooperating with the PATRIOT Act
? City government cooperating with ICE/Secure Communities
? City government should boycott Israel until it complies with UN resolutions
+ SF supervisors should take a position on offshore oil drilling outside CA
B) Please describe how you make your political decisions. What is the
main basis for your decision making (e.g., consultation with your
constituents, political consultants, colleagues, unions, businesses,
donors, or your gut feelings)?
I call them as I see them, but I always listen to both sides.
- Fleet Week and the Blue Angels flyover - not a fan
- In a severe recession, environmental regulations should be suspended to create jobs
? Business taxes are too high
10) Sustainability: What does the Transit First City Charter provision
mean to you? How has Transit First fared in recent years, and how would
you enforce that Charter Provision if elected?
Transit First should mean we prioritize and encourage public
transportation. The problem in SF is that public transportation can be
unreliable and sketchy. Simply punishing people for driving is not a
solution. Providing viable alternatives to driving is.
+ - ?
? MUNI should be funded greater levels and be free to the rider - We need to adequately fund Muni, but not let it be a rolling homeless
+ Downtown Transit Assessment Tax to support MUNI
+ Citywide Transit Assessment Tax to support MUNI
? Higher residential construction along neighborhood transit corridors, which may include raising height limits by two to three stories.
+ State law change that lets bicycles treat stop signs as yield signs and red lights as stop signs
+ I ride MUNI, bicycle and/or walk instead of driving on a regular basis
? Bus Rapid Transit on Geary
- Allow residents to park on the sidewalk without getting a ticket, unless their neighbors complain
? Congestion pricing for parking
? Power more City vehicles using corn-based ethanol - fuel cells, electric, natual gas, biodiesel
? Residents should be allowed to park in the street in front of their own driveway for free
? Support expanding parking meter hours to include later evening hours and weekends
+ Remove parking spots and car lanes to create dedicated bike and bus lanes or wider sidewalks - as well as providing off-street parking structures
Your positions on selected current and past Propositions:
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prohibiting tents on public sidewalks
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Neighborhood crime unit
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Vacancy appointments
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 16-17 y.o. voting, local elections
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Non-citizen voting, school board
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop 62 (Ending Death Penalty)
[ ] [ ] [ ] June 2016 Prop B (Rec and Park legislation)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2015 Prop F (Short Term Rental Regulation)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2015 Prop I (Mission Luxury Housing Moratorium)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2014 Prop H (Natural Grass in Parks)
[ ] [ ] [ ] June 2014 Prop B (Waterfront Height Limits)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2011 Prop C (Mayor's Pension measure)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2011 Prop D (Adachi's Pension measure)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2010 Prop L (Ban on Sitting on Sidewalks)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 2010 Prop M (Foot Patrols)
I have had my hands full with my one person campaign, while performing my
full time job. Not any time yet to study the ballot propositions. I will
give them all adequate consideration prior to voting. Therefore I cannot
give any educated answers to any of them. And this is due now!