San Francisco Green Party Supervisor Candidate Questionnaire 2018
Due Date: Tue, July 24
1. There are 10 sections to this questionnaire. Each section
corresponds with the 10 Key Values of the Green Party.
2. Each section begins with a written question and ends with several
multiple-choice questions. Please don't skip the written question.
3. The multiple-choice questions are answered by checking the box in the
appropriate column to indicate which is closest to your position:
+ = Support / Agree / Yes
- = Oppose / Disagree / No
: = Undecided / Don't know / No opinion
4. The world is too complex to always break down neatly into
yes/no/maybe choices, so feel free to clarify any answers to multiple
choice questions with a few words.
Candidate Name: Christine Johnson
Phone Number: 415-617-5943
Web site:
Name of Campaign Manager:
Are you receiving public financing: Yes
Signed voluntary spending limit: Yes
Campaign Manager:
2nd, 3rd endorsements in District:
Major Endorsements:
Incumbent Supervisor whose votes most reflect your values: Supervisor Katy Tang (especially her work on HOME-SF)
Incumbent whose votes least reflect your values:
If the election were held today, who would you support as Board President: TBD, more than half the board will be different by January 2019.
Who would be your second and third choices:
Who did you endorse for Mayor in 2018 (all 3 choices, if applicable):
Who did you endorse for Mayor in 2015 (all 3 choices, if applicable):
Who did you endorse for Sheriff in 2015:
1) Grassroots Democracy: What are your thoughts on Instant Runoff
Voting, and District Elections? How have they worked to date? What
would you change in the future?
I believe that Instant Runoff Voting (RCV) and District Elections are both designed to create a fairer playing field by giving grassroots candidates and those new to politics a shot at winning. The first-time victories of Supervisor Jane Kim and Supervisor Malia Cohen are prime examples. However, due to the changing demographics of the City, I think it's time to consider the combination of these systems on the fairness of our local democracy. RCV allows candidates who might not have the resources to gain a plurality of #1 votes the chance to continue to appeal to voters or even to align themselves with other campaigns. District Elections should allow for candidates to speak directly to hyper-local issues and win. The combination of RCV and District Elections works well when Districts are homogenous on their own but distinct from each other. This is breaking down in much of the City. Especially in Districts 6 and 10, the richest zip codes sit right next to the poorest. Different neighborhoods in the same district have vastly different conversations about what they want to prioritize. It may be time to fully study whether allowing candidates to appeal to like-minded constituencies in Citywide RCV elections would be a fairer system.
+ - ?
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Sub-government such as Neighborhood Assemblies, Networks or District Councils
We almost already have this. Neighborhood associations in San Francisco are very powerful and command the attention of their elected and appointed officials. We don't need to make them officially sanctioned, i.e. government sponsored. In addition, we saw the demise of such government supported councils in cities like Seattle, WA because eventually they ossify and lead to inequitable outcomes.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Some commissions should be democratically elected
Instead of creating more elections, we need to go to the ballot to change the City Charter to limit the definition of "discretion". If appointees across all City Commissions were bound to make decisions based on laws and precedent that could only be amended by the Board of Supervisors there would be much less feeling that Commissioners (especially on Charter Commissions, like the Planning Commission) run their own government. Right now, appointees can make up/down/delay decisions based on anything or nothing at all. As a former Planning Commissioner, I have some experience in this area.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] The Mayor should appoint all commissioners
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Voters' right to recall elected officials
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Ethics Commission should be disbanded
The Ethics Commission should have their remit refined.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Ethics Commission meetings should be televised
Agree, although I believe video is already available online. In addition, as the first chair of the OCII Commission who fought a battle to have OCII meetings televised I can say that this is not just a policy matter. There are staffing, schedule and economic factors involved in which commission meetings are televised.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Ethics Commission should prioritize investigating violations from well-funded campaigns
Campaign finance violations affect us all regardless of the size of the campaigns. My hope is that the more it is shown how challenging the current system is for democracy, the closer we will get to acknowledging we need to have true public finance in elections. The City should provide a set dollar amount to everyone and severely limit individual fundraising.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] My campaign accepts corporate contributions
Corporate contributions are illegal in San Francisco.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] My campaign accepts contributions from paid lobbyists or related entities having any interest in City and County of San Francisco
These types of contributions are illegal in San Francisco as of January 1, 2018 and I declared my candidacy after that date.
2) Ecological Wisdom: Please outline your view of the major
environmental and ecological issues facing San Francisco and your
proposed policies to address them.
District 6 and the rest of the city are facing a host of environmental issues that will begin to impact daily life and force decisions on where the City uses its resources. The issues that I feel are most pressing are:
- Poor air quality and the impact on human health and degradation of City infrastructure
- Impact of sea level rise combined with faster than anticipated liquefaction in many parts of District 6 on earthquake readiness;
- Lack of green space;
- Slow adaptation of our building code to accommodate the types of renewable energy and resource recapture technologies that we will need in the future to accommodate a growing population in the face of climate change; and
- Lack of transit infrastructure in many parts of the City.
Examples of the types of activities I would undertake on the Board:
- Building code amendments to allow new construction and renovations to accommodate climate change impacts more effectively.
- Collaborate with Assessor-Recorder and City Budget office on how to value and help property owners pay for clean energy retrofits.
- Targeted efforts to increase compliance with recycling and composting requirements.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Phasing out all diesel buses (e.g., Muni, tour, shuttles)
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Public Power
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Install local/regional clean energy, efficiency, and battery storage to supply 50% of our electricity by 2030
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Reducing or eliminating parking minimums in new housing and commercial developments
[ ] [ ] [ X ] As in Bayview, halt all US Navy Treasure Island transfers of lands tested by Tetra Tech, to private developers
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Natural Areas Program
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Tree Removals
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Use of Tier One herbicides in public parks
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Addition of SF Groundwater to City's potable supply
The city needs to maintain it's aquifer as a defense against future earthquakes and climate change impacts. This is a matter of resiliency. My position has always been to decrease the impact on our potable supply by building the infrastructure for grey (recycled) water. Most potable water is not used for drinking but ends up being used in heating systems, toilets, etc.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Artificial turf on City-owned athletic fields
I'm open to hearing the arguments but it seems that turf provides operational and environmental benefits. As we seek to spend more money to increase our tree canopy and create more natural spaces, fields that are heavily used for athletic activities should be as low-maintenance as possible.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Managed retreat and Coastal Zone protection in response to Global Warming
I fully support the findings and suggestions in the Ocean Beach Master Plan. For the eastern side of the city, managed retreat is not possible. However, we need to actively plan for sea level rise and set aside the resources to implement solutions. The November 2018 ballot measure to issue bonds to fund the sea wall rebuild is just a start.
3) Social Justice:
A) What is your assessment of homelessness in San Francisco, and what
solutions do you propose?
Levels of per capita street homelessness have not appreciably increased in the last 10 years but the daily lived experienced of the housed and unhoused alike has become hellish over that time. Street drug use and associated crime has exploded making the streets unsafe for everyone. Unhoused people who would have been out of sight/out of mind in parts of SOMA and Mission Bay are now very visible due to development in the City. Until the recent conversations around conservatorship, no one had an answer for how to care for the mentally ill on our streets who could not care for themselves.
I support (1) new Conservatorship laws along with funding for the supportive housing that those who are conserved need, (2) backfilling Section 8 and augmenting with a local program so those who are in SROs could potentially move to step-up housing, opening up more SROs for formerly homeless people, (3) building more affordable housing. Finally, I would use my position as Supervisor to urge Mayor Breed to open discussions with other counties and cities in the Bay Area. We need to start collaborating regionally on the homelessness crisis. We need more housing everywhere and we need regional coordination to make sure people who are homeless in San Francisco are not marooned here but have opportunities to put a roof over their head somewhere else, if possible.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Project Homeless Connect
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Care Not Cash
Good concept but we need more housing in general.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Community courts
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Healthy SF
[ X ] [ ] [ ] SF's sick leave requirements
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Law against sitting down on SF sidewalks
[ X ] [ ] [ ] I support more homeless navigation centers in my district
B) What are your views on housing affordability, what public sector
strategies have worked, which have failed, and what are your proposals?
We are failing on housing affordability for all income levels. My goal is simple. No one should pay more than 30% of their income towards housing costs. We are not there. Despite recent strides, we have failed at producing enough housing. We do not maximize current zoning and we continue to have a backlog of tens of thousands of homes to be built that people should already be living in. Area plans take too long and continue to be relitigated years into their implementation. We have failed at middle income by creating a inclusionary lottery system so byzantine that no one can figure it out. The creation of the Small Site Acquisition Program has been successful (a version of it is why the Tenderloin has remained relatively affordable) and I'd like to improvements to the program to make it easier to use. Outside of District 6, HOPE-SF has been extremely successful in reviving derelict public housing while adding affordable units.
For more deeply affordable housing, the ultimate answer is to control ownership over time. Owners without a profit motive (a land trust or non-profit developer) have the incentive to keep housing prices affordable to those making no-to very low incomes and keep communities from being displaced. As Supervisor I would procure more funds to help buy buildings off the market (so called site acquisition and rehab funds). These funds could also be used to densify buildings where possible by adding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). I also propose changes to our laws to make it easier to buy property over time, for example by instituting a first right of refusal period.
Given the continuing new development of affordable housing in the Central SOMA plan, the Seawall Lot 337A project and other new housing projects in the district, I will focus my energies on advocating continued adjustments to Inclusionary Housing implementation to make it easier for people to access the housing that is created. The current lottery system is opaque and inequitable and hard for low-income people to access without assistance from the City or other nonprofits.
For housing affordable to higher income levels, we need to continue to build more housing everywhere in the City and make sure people are living in that housing. We should be reviewing our zoning and streamlining permitting processes to incentivize creation of more housing. We should look at how we can accelerate infrastructure development to make more of the City suitable for higher populations.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Building more market rate housing will lower housing costs for current SF residents
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Impacts of all new development should be paid for in advance by fees on developers
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Community Land Trusts
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Rent Control is too strong
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Elected Rent Board
[ X ] [ ] [ ] HOME-SF (density bonus program)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Social Housing (similar to
I have previously been supportive and am campaigning on providing more public funds for site acquisition. However, transfer of ownership to non-profit operators and/or land trusts are my preferred method. The history of public housing in America and San Francisco suggest that we are not ready to return to an era of municipal housing. We have not evolved enough as a city or society to ensure that publicly-owned housing wouldn't again enter into cycles of disinvestment and become segregated housing for those who can't advocate for themselves.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Ban on Airbnb and other short term rentals
I believe we need to fully enforce our current law before considering a ban or any other changes.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Require full disclosure of all corporate/speculative interests in parties purchasing/developing property
I understand the sentiment but to form policy we need to be clearer as a City what need we are solving for. For example, the rampant buying of rent controlled housing by the Academy of Art for student housing would have been exposed earlier by such disclosures. But subjecting a family who creates an LLC to buy 1-2 small properties to additional disclosures probably serves no public interest.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Vacancy tax on empty homes
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Pied-a-terre Tax on residential property owners who do not reside in SF
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Condo conversion is currently too difficult
The restrictions on condo-conversion have the impact of barring the vast majority of properties in District 6 from participating. There are very few 2-4 unit buildings that are not already condos. I would be interested in revisiting condo conversion if there was a way to provide more affordable homeownership opportunities (especially for teachers, emergency City workers, etc.) in exchange for allowing 5-6 unit and larger buildings to become condos.
4) Nonviolence: What are your solutions for SFPD accountability while
making the streets safer?
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Prioritize SFPD enforcement of moving violations
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Support expansion of foot patrols
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Demand stricter accountability in future MOUs with the SFPD
[ X ] [ ] [ ] The Board of Supervisors should be able to set policies and priorities for the SFPD through legislation
[ ] [ XXX ] [ ] Support a public safety program modeled after NYC's "Stop and Frisk"
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Prosecution of SFPD Officers involved in fatal shooting deaths of San Francisco residents
5) Decentralization: What are your thoughts on the Kaufman Charter
of 1996? Does it need revisiting?
The Kaufman Charter amendment was not without controversy but it was a monumental change to City governance. I think it is time to revisit. Our City Charter should help our city become more nimble and forward thinking. Departments and Commissions likely need to be reorganized to reflect the need to focus on speeding up decision making and implementation around housing, transportation and resiliency to climate change. I also strongly believe we need to limit the discretion that appointed government officials have and bring that power back to the Board of Supervisors and the laws the Board passes.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Bring the Housing Authority under the Board of Supervisors
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Will you create formal district councils to advise you?
I refer to my previous answer on whether there should be sanctioned sub-government entities. I am wary of creating a group that would appear to discriminate against the views of those who don't have time to devote significant chunks of time in City Hall. I plan to have more democratic methods of soliciting ideas and support for policy including online surveys, neighborhood meetings and weekend "office hourÓ time out in the District.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Charter amendment allowing voters to choose the replacement of an elected official being recalled on the same ballot as the recall vote
This is a combination of two proposed policies (1) being able to recall a local elected official and (2) eliminating the ability of the Mayor to name a replacement for a vacated seat. I would need to carefully consider how the intersection of these policies would impact our democracy. It's foreseeable that this change would plunge SF into a constant state of harmful electioneering.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Immediately implement open-source voting system on the local level
6) Community Based Economics: What economic policies, including
taxation and land use, would you propose that would drive capital into
our communities and keep that capital here for residents?
As Supervisor I would continue to push heavily to charter a public bank. A public bank could keep our dollars in San Francisco and make them work for residents and small business owners. Without going into the general fund we could fund small business loans and housing development, among other economic benefits. I also want to strengthen how we consider community benefits so when we have an opportunity with a major project. As an example, I feel the Mid-Market Tax Break (the "Twitter" tax break) was a huge missed opportunity. Instead of backpack giveaways, we should've had a hyper-local hire requirement. Instead of park clean up days we should have asked for direct funding of programmed community space for adults living in SROs. However, the City didn't have a strategy around what they consider "community benefit" so it was left to the companies to decide what their plan would be. We can do better
+ - ?
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Legislation limiting formula retail outlets/chain stores
We need to make sure that home-grown businesses can stay in San Francisco. We also need to ensure that all neighborhoods have access to affordable goods and services.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Conditional Use permit required for big box stores
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Municipal broadband as a public utility
A Blue Ribbon Study commissioned by former Supervisor Mark Farrell indicated benefits and many areas for future study. At this time, I don't think it needs to be the first step to help bridge the digital divide but I'm open to future study.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Neighborhood cooperatives prioritized as a local supply chain for legalized marijuana
[ X ] [ ] [ ] I support recreational marijuana stores opening in my district
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Local hiring requirements should be enforced and expanded to include private projects
Local hire should also be expanded to benefit populations that have been displaced from San Francisco, especially holders of Certificates of Preference. These holders were impacted by displacement from Urban Renewal and if they hadn't been forcibly displaced, would have benefitted from local hire legislation.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Conversion of some golf courses into soccer fields
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Prop 13 limits on tax increases should apply only to residential properties
Prop 13 should be repealed entirely and replaced with a more equitable property tax policy that increases opportunities for housing and funds our schools, transit and other infrastructure.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Commercial Rent Control
Lack of reasonable commercial rent control policy has decimated our ability to ensure that businesses can provide affordable neighborhood services. The margins are very low for businesses like laundry and corner stores but yet they are an important part of our neighborhoods. Vacancies (particularly in newer buildings) also contribute to delayed community building in our newer neighborhoods like Mission Bay.
7) Feminism: Do you believe women are underrepresented in city
government? If so, why do you believe this is the case? Is this a
bad thing, and if so, what would you do to remedy the situation?
San Francisco has come light years from the days when Dianne Feinstein was Mayor in including women in positions of authority in the City. The current challenge is to make sure that we are creating a pipeline for the future. Mayor London Breed is an outlier as someone who connected with the City at a younger age, stayed engaged and rose to be Mayor. Many other women developed their expertise elsewhere and were hired/recruited into the City. I have first-hand experience in how challenging it can be to engage with the City as a young professional woman. I became pregnant while on the Planning Commission and struggled to get accommodations before and after I gave birth. I persevered but many other women would not have. We need to do better to make sure that women truly are shaping San Francisco's government.
Ways to do this include providing childcare and providing more flexible work arrangements for electeds, appointeds and other City Hall staff.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] The City should help SFUSD provide child care for children of working parents
[ ] [ ] [ X ] The DPH should provide reproductive health services
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Require parental consent for minors seeking an abortion
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Require parental notification for minors seeking an abortion
8) Respect for Diversity: Tell us what you believe are the best and the
worst aspects of San Francisco's diversity. How would you try to
protect the best while trying to change the worst?
San Francisco has become much less diverse over time. By race, class/income, even family status, we are becoming too homogenous. Lower-income people, families with young children, seniors and people of color are either being forced out or feel so uncomfortable they decide they'd rather make their life somewhere else. This is not ok for a progressive city. As Supervisor changing this dynamic is a priority for me. Over time the City has commissioned various studies on how to maintain/increase diversity. The two consistent issues were childcare and housing availability/affordability. I will focus on these issues as Supervisor. In addition, I would like to work with Mayor London Breed on strategies that have been successful in other cities like Atlanta, Austin and Los Angeles that have seen measurable positive changes in diversity.
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Multilingual government and public education
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Undocumented immigrants should have equal access to education and health care
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Non-citizen residents should be able to vote in all local elections
I understand the sentiment but the recent warnings we have had to give non-citizen residents about the dangers of registering to vote show this policy may not be countering the protections we want to provide in keeping with Sanctuary City ethos.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Full rights for transgender persons
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Boards and commissions now reflect the ethnic diversity of San Francisco
We can do better, particularly with diversity of those of Asian-descent.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Boards and commissions now reflect the political diversity of San Francisco
Political definitions are shifting in San Francisco and nationwide. As we speak, many are questioning where they are in the divide. Certainly, when it comes to demographics we need help. We need more renters, people with young families, seniors and low-income people engaged with City administration.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] My campaign reflects the diversity of San Francisco
Volunteers/supporters on my campaign includes people identifying as LGBTQIAA+, African-American, White, Asian, Latinx, millennial, senior, disabled, young parents, and others. I have supporters who live in the Four Seasons Tower and supporters who live in 6th street SROs. My campaign represents a vision of better quality of life for everyone.
9) Global and Personal Responsibility:
A) What are your thoughts on the
Board of Supervisors taking positions on state, national and
international issues?
The Board of Supervisors should be the body that represents that present values of San Francisco. There are times when state and national issues directly impact daily life in San Francisco and the Board should be active in stating where San Francisco stands. As a Supervisor, I will speak out and ask my colleagues on the Board to do the same when necessary. However, efforts to communicate a position on state, national and international issues CANNOT overshadow local work. As Supervisor, I will be laser focused on issues directly related to daily life of today's and future San Franciscans.
+ - ?
[ ] [ ] [ X ] City government cooperating with the PATRIOT Act
[ ] [ X ] [ ] City government cooperating with ICE/Secure Communities
[ ] [ ] [ X ] City government should boycott Israel until it complies with UN resolutions
[ X ] [ ] [ ] SF supervisors should take a position on offshore oil drilling outside CA
B) Please describe how you make your political decisions. What is the
main basis for your decision making (e.g., consultation with your
constituents, political consultants, colleagues, unions, businesses,
donors, or your gut feelings)?
I have a collaborative but highly focused and research-driven process of making decisions. As a Planning Commissioner I worked to consult with anyone who might be a stakeholder in a decision, do research on similar problems in other cities and listen carefully to information presented the day of a hearing. As a Supervisor, I will have many more stakeholders - some who can vote for me, others who can't. However, San Francisco needs to be a welcoming environment for everyone whether they be residents, business owners, or visitors. Therefore I will continue to have a decision-making process that balances the needs of all stakeholders and comes up with solutions that actually solve problems.
+ - ?
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Fleet Week and the Blue Angels flyover
[ ] [ X ] [ ] In a severe recession, environmental regulations should be suspended to create jobs
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Business taxes are too high
Business taxes are not too high but I do feel we have segmented them too much. I believe more tax revenue should go to the general fund where the Board and the Mayor can determine what the priorities are during the budget cycle. At this point, nearly 30% of our general fund is spoken for before the first budget hearing has even been held. This leads to a feeling that the City doesn't have the revenue to manage current priorities even as taxes increase every year by formula and by ballot.
10) Sustainability: What does the Transit First City Charter provision
mean to you? How has Transit First fared in recent years, and how would
you enforce that Charter Provision if elected?
The Transit First Policy has guided most of my thinking around infrastructure development for the past 14 years. At its core, the Transit First City Charter provision is about getting people out of the most polluting method of getting around (private automobiles) and into mass transit and other low-impact methods that reduce the environmental impact of getting people around San Francisco. The goals are reducing traffic, making the streets safer and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The charter provision, if written today, would likely have included other ways to get around like scooters and bike share.
We are not moving towards Transit First today. Private automobile emissions have gone up statewide and in SF, not down. Our mass transit systems are more strained than ever, even while people complain about lack of service. If elected, I would be prepared to utilize multiple ways to get us back on track with a Transit First Policy. A few strategies would move forward with as Supervisor include: (1) Advocating for, then implement congestion pricing to control traffic and raise funds for transit (2) Changing our Planning Code to decrease parking and/or mandate that parking be publicly accessible to start a faster transition to a post private-automobile city infrastructure (3) Entering into discussions with private transportation companies to see how they can better merge with our public transit networks to close service gaps (4) Implementing the full bicycle network contemplated in the Capital Plan.
+ - ?
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Muni should be funded sufficiently to replace most car use, and be free to the rider
I believe in a strong transit system and in reorienting San Francisco away from car use. This will require massive amounts of infrastructure spending. I'm not sure it's possible financially to do this while eliminating all rider fees as a revenue source but I'm open to exploring.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Downtown Transit Assessment Tax to support Muni
Would need to know how this is different from the current Transit Impact Development Fee (TIDF), Transportation Sustainability Fee (TSF) and the Transit Center Transportation and Street Improvement Fee all current development impact fees that touch transit.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Citywide Transit Assessment Tax to support Muni
Would need to know how this is different from the current Transit Impact Development Fee (TIDF), Transportation Sustainability Fee (TSF) and the Transit Center Transportation and Street Improvement Fee all current development impact fees that touch transit.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] More weekend closures of streets in/near my district to cars (e.g., Car-Free GGP)
I would love to reinvigorate the conversation of taking cars off of Market Street.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] State law change that lets bicycles treat stop signs as yield signs and red lights as stop signs
This change would make cycling safer and encourage a transition away from car culture.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] I ride Muni, bicycle and/or walk instead of driving on a regular basis
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Bus Rapid Transit expanded to all major transit corridors in SF
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Car hailing services like Uber and Lyft should be regulated as taxis, or banned
I still think as a city we need to determine what problems we want to solve for and determine if traditional taxi regulations will solve those problems. I am becoming more convinced that congestion pricing, better enforcement of parking and moving violations, better design of curb space among other changes will improve our experience of these services in San Francisco. These changes aren't contemplated in current taxi regulations.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Scooter/similar vehicle rentals should be required to store vehicles on private property
These vehicles are successful because they are publicly available. In many neighborhoods (especially West SOMA and the Tenderloin) this means the street. However, we should strengthen our code requirements around commercial and mixed-use buildings to require more spaces for shared transportation companies (carshare, scooter share, etc.). More spaces should be set aside for these uses.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Allow residents to park on the sidewalk without getting a ticket, unless their neighbors complain
This is not a District 6 issue.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Congestion pricing for parking
Dynamic pricing of meters works and allows for better use of curb space and management of traffic.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Power more City vehicles using biofuels (e.g., corn-based ethanol)
I would also like to see fleet electrification as we move to cleaner power in SF.
[ ] [ ] [ X ] Residents should be allowed to park in the street in front of their own driveway for free
Not a District 6 issue
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Support expanding parking meter hours to include later evening hours and weekends
We need to properly price our parking to defray the full costs that driving private automobiles has on our streets and other infrastructure. However, I would be in favor of starting with minimal pricing for overnight/weekend and not having time limits. This can be changed over time.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Remove parking spots and car lanes to create dedicated bike and bus lanes or wider sidewalks
I support reducing car lanes and/or making certain streets two-way to support better circulation AND wider sidewalks. I support dynamic curb space. This could include lanes that may be dedicated to transit/bikes to high traffic times and allow car parking at other times.
Your positions (at the time) on selected current and past Propositions:
+ - ?
[ X ] [ ] [ ] June 2018 Prop F (Eviction Defense)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] June 2018 Prop H (Tasers for SFPD)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop D (Vacancy appointments)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop F (16-17 y.o. voting, local elections)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop N (Non-citizen voting, school board)
I do not support this because voter rolls are public. I see few feasible ways to protect non-citizens from federal immigration enforcement activities if their contact info is on a public voter registration system. I support the sentiment of making sure these parents have a voice in how their children are educated.
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop Q (Prohibiting tents on public sidewalks)
[ X ] [ ] [ ] Nov 2016 Prop 62 (Ending Death Penalty)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] June 2016 Prop B (Rec and Park legislation)
I opposed this only because we need to start limiting (semi)permanent set-asides in our City budget. As Supervisor, I will fight for increased funding in the short term to create recreational spaces in District 6.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] 2015 Prop F (Short Term Rental Regulation)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] 2015 Prop I (Mission Luxury Housing Moratorium)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] Nov 2014 Prop H (Natural Grass in Parks)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] June 2014 Prop B (Waterfront Height Limits)
[ ] [ X ] [ ] 2011 Prop C (Mayor's Pension measure)
[ X ] [ ] [ ] 2011 Prop D (Adachi's Pension measure)
Noting that since 2011, a retiree health care trust fund was passed by ballot (November 2013 Prop A). If a pension measure were to come to voters today it would not look like either Prop C or Prop D.
[ ] [ X ] [ ] 2010 Prop L (Ban on Sitting on Sidewalks)
[ X ] [ ] [ ] 2010 Prop M (Foot Patrols)