SFGP policy on reporting votes on statewide polls to the GPCA Adopted by the GM in August 2005 The GPCA polls counties for some decisions; in particular, endorsement of statewide initiatives. Each county gets as many votes as it had delegate slots at the most recent GPCA plenary. SF's policy is that if we reach consensus for YES or NO on an endorsement (without voting), all of our votes in the poll will be cast in that way. If we have to vote (whether or not we reach the required supermajority threshold to make a decision) on endorsement, we will cast our votes in the GPCA poll in closest proportion to the yes and no votes at the GM (not including abstentions). If the proportions must be rounded off to a fraction (e.g., a whole or half vote), this will be done in such a way as to be mathematically closest to the vote at the GM. If the GPCA poll is conducted in such a way that it is meaningful for a county to cast an abstaining vote, SF will cast our votes as YES, NO, or ABSTAIN in proportion to the corresponding votes at the GM.