SAN FRANCISCO GREEN PARTY ENDORSEMENT POLICY Adopted by the GM on 1/18/06 A. General Provisions The SF Green Party may endorse a candidate for office at any time, however most candidate endorsements will occur following the filing deadline for the seats being contested. The SF Green Party shall initiate the endorsement process for candidates appearing on any San Francisco ballot line. Candidates not appearing on San Francisco's ballot line may approach the SF Green Party for an endorsement. The endorsement process may consist of candidate questionnaires, in- person interviews/presentations by the candidate and a decision made at a scheduled and publicly noticed General Membership meeting as specified in the bylaws. The San Francisco Green Party will entertain applications for early endorsement only from registered Green candidates that have filed an intent to run. This process can be informal or follow more traditional approval procedures. Priority will be given to candidates who complete the questionnaire. B. Partisan races The SF Green Party may only endorse Green Party candidates in Green Party primary races and shall not endorse in any other political parties' primaries. In the case of contested Green Party primaries, the SF Green Party may endorse one Green candidate over another. Until any endorsement is made in a Green primary, however, the party must treat all candidates in that race equally and maintain a neutral position until the endorsement is made. The Party shall honor NOTA when it comes in first in a primary. The party may consider endorsements for the general election in the case where there has been no endorsement in the primary or the endorsed candidate was not nominated in the primary. If the Party endorses in the primary and that candidate wins, that ndorsement carries over into the general election. The party may affirmatively make "no endorsement" over a primary victor or endorse a candidate other than the victor by endorsement thresholds specified in the bylaws. C. Non-partisan Races Green Party registration is no guarantee for any candidate of the SF Green Party's endorsement. A timeline for the endorsement process for local candidates will be set to start after the filing deadlines for each local office. The endorsement timeline shall be published. The party may, for the purposes of efficiency, issue questionnaires or schedule or conduct interviews prior to the close of the nomination period but final action on endorsement is discouraged until after the filing deadline. IRV/RCV The party may make as many ranked choices, including None Of The Above (NOTA) as the voting system supports. Early endorsements should not be ranked until the filing deadline has passed. Candidates who receive an unranked early endorsement must reflect any subsequent rankings rapidly and accurately when scheduling literature print runs between unranked early endorsement and final ranking . Candidates must clearly indicate their ranked endorsement in electioneering communication as soon as the endorsement rank is determined. One method of conducting an IRV/RCV endorsement is specified in Appendix A. D. Relationship between party and candidate: The San Francisco Green Party may grant access to the following resources only to endorsed candidates or the Green Party's nominee (i.e., primary election winner) in partisan races. . Use of the SFGP office . Office equipment . Access to computers . Use of SFGP volunteer and donor databases . Participation in our outreach efforts . Promotion on the SFGP website and email newsletter . Placement of campaign literature in the office and at the party's tables and information booths at events (see exception below) . Featured speaking at official Green Party events and functions. Endorsement and nomination do not guarantee access to SFGP resources or assistance for a campaign. The Green Party shall make space available for the literature of unendorsed Green candidates that shall be clearly designated as "not endorsed" and divided equitably and fairly amongst all interested candidates. Only the County Council or general membership may grant access to volunteer and donor databases. Until an endorsement or nomination is made in any race, the party must remain neutral and treat all Green candidates in each campaign equitably and fairly. If the Party grants access to resources to any unendorsed or unnominated Green candidate, then it must grant equitable access to all Green candidates in that election.