Appendix B: Relevant Dates in 2006 Primary Election Calendar Dec 30 - Feb 23 (E-158 - E-103) SIGNATURES IN LIEU OF FILING FEE The period during which candidates can pick up and file in-lieu petitions in order to pay for all or part of their filing fee with signatures of qualified voters. Feb. 13 - Mar 10 (E-113 - E-88) NOMINATION PERIOD Nomination documents cannot be issued before Feb.13, 2006 and cannot be returned after March 10, 2006 at 5:00 pm. Filing Fee is due upon filing of documents. Signatures in lieu of fee are due upon filing of documents or Jan. 26, whichever occurs first. March 10 (E-88) ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF VOLUNTARY CAMPAIGN SPENDING LIMITS The last day for candidates to file a statement with the Ethics Commission to indicate whether they accept or reject the City's Voluntary Spending Limits. Mar. 11* - Mar. 15 (E-87 - E- 83) SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE EXTENDED FILING If an eligible incumbent does not file during the regular nominating period, the candidate filing period for that office shall be extended 5 calendar days for candidates other than the incumbent. The extension period would start March 11 and end March 15. March 29 - April 8*, noon (E69 -E59) SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE EXTENDED PUBLIC INSPECTION PERIOD FOR CANDIDATE QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS AND BALLOT DESIGNATIONS This special circumstance public inspection period is applicable only if the candidate filing period has been extended per CAEC ?10225 Period of public review for the candidate qualification statements and ballot designations submitted during the special circumstance extended filing period. March 31, 5pm (E-67) WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDACY OR CANDIDATE STATEMENT The last day candidates may withdraw their candidacy or Candidate Statement by filing a signed and sworn statement of withdrawal with the Department of Elections. April 10 -May 23 (E-57 - E-14) STATEMENT OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY & NOMINATION PAPERS During this period all write-in candidates must file their Statement of Write-In Candidacy and Nomination Papers with the Department of Elections. May 21* - June 5 (E-16 - E-1) LATE FILING REQUIREMENTS Candidates and committees must report late contributions and expenditures within 24 hours. For more information, contact the Fair Political Practices Commission at 866-275-3772. June 6 (E) ELECTION DAY Polls open at 7 am and close at 8 pm. July 31, 2006 SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FINANCE STATEMENT Last day to file campaign statements for the period from May 21, 2006 through June 30, 2006.