Looking for the San Francisco Green Party?
The official website of the San Francisco Green Party is
What's sfgreens.org?
This is a resource provided for use by San Francisco
Greens, not officially affiliated with the San Francisco Green Party (SFGP)
or any other Green Party.
It's run by
John-Marc Chandonia, jmc@sfgreens.org. I offer:
- An open wireless access point. This access point is intentionally
left open to the public. You may not use it for any unethical
activities. Access may be limited at my discretion. I use Speakeasy DSL, which encourages
connection sharing.
- Email forwarding for active SFGP members (contact
me for more details).
- A public (for now) Mastodon instance
- Mailing lists for use by groups of Greens, such as SFGP working
groups (see http://list.sfgreens.org).
- Other web hosting services.
- This is the final draft, 10/20/04 of the Transportation Plank we adopted. (Note: this includes all ammendments and wording changes we accepted.) Here is a formatted version (PDF).
- This is a video of a panel discussion (DivX, 111MB) the Transportation and Energy Working Groups put together to discuss Peak Oil, following a screening of the movie "End of Suburbia."
- Tabling? Have fun with Green Party Tabling Bingo
My public key for personal communications is here: jmc_pubkey.asc.