Wendy Chau answered some of our questions, below. She did not respond to any of the multiple choice questions:
Grassroots Democracy
A) What are your thoughts on Instant Runoff Voting, and District Elections? How have they worked to date? What would you change in the future? What about Proportional Representation?
A. The rules are the rules and it favors bullies, lobbyists and incumbents.
B) What strategies would you employ to reduce corruption in San Francisco government?
B. I would mandate that every single politician, government employee and contractor wear body cams (just like the police) and have them livestream their work on social media (X because it is free and their headquarters are in San Francisco)
Ecological Wisdom
Please outline your view of the major environmental and ecological issues facing San Francisco and your proposed policies to address them.
The entire "Eco industry" is well intentioned but extremely misinformed on the subject matter.
One of the first things I will do is have SF end its contract with Recology in dealing with our recyclables and have the city and county be 100% responsible for it's own recycling.
I will start a program where we will sell our recyclables after we converted it into biofuels and other products that we can sell to other industries, countries or entities looking to buy our recycled products (We should make 100s of millions a year selling our recyclables globally)
Social Justice
A) What is your assessment of homelessness in San Francisco, and what solutions do you propose?
A. I hate that word homeless because it is used to define people who are not monolithic. Homeless is used in the same way a person uses ethnicity or race. That is a mistake that doesn't allow for the problems of people living on the streets to ever get fixed.
The people who live on the streets who are mentally ill, need to be placed back into the state hospitals OR city owned intermediate care facilities (ICF) that are staffed with psych techs (California licensed nurses trained in specifically treating the mentally ill and developmentally disabled).
The people who are drug addicts living on the streets, will go the the navigation centers that will be converted into an ICF specifically to treat and train people with SUD. These facilities will also be staffed with psych techs. The education and job training services will be provided by the California Conservation Corps.
The CCC will also be in charge of the new recycling program and train the clients of the navigation center in either recycling or the Cal Fire program (which engages mostly in wildfire prevention).
B) What are your views on housing affordability, what public sector strategies have worked, which have failed, and what are your proposals?
B. The SF govt has been engaging in Institutional racism when it comes to housing. The permit fees which cost $150K is designed for gentrify Asians in Chinatown next. It already happened to the blacks in Hunter's Point and Bayview.
The solution to the housing crisis is to ban all government fees for their permits (which is a $150K savings). The next step is to allow the property owner to use materials from Menards with no penalties or delays. Menards or shops like Menards sell high quality building materials at 1/10 of the costs as Californian vendors charge locals.
In other words, by following my easy steps you can build a 2500 sq ft house for under $400K. The smaller the house, the cheaper the costs.
What are your solutions for SFPD accountability while making the streets safer?
1. The police need training of 4th, 5th and 1st amendment rights of the public.
2. The psychological testing standard has to be put back to a 90% pass. If you score lower than 90% on your psych test, you cannot be a cop in SF.
3. Train the officers in actual exigent circumstances and how and when it is considered ok to violate the constitution.
4. Have the Board of Supervisors directly review all complaints and lawsuits regarding excessive use of force. (and not boards, or city attorneys etc)
5. End qualified immunity to officers who batter and assault the public and make them pay out of pocket.
6. Bail Reform- Allow for Property bonds in lieu of cash bails from bail bonds men like Bad Boys or Alladdin. Property bonds will save everyone 10's of thousands of dollars, which can be used to hire some great defense attorneys.
7. Funding to the police must be increased or maintained to train everyone. The things I wrote are not easy concepts to understand by people with no training on how the constitution has been interpreted.
A) What are your thoughts on the Kaufman Charter of 1996? Does it need revisiting? Would you support replacing the Strong Mayor system with commissions where the majority of members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, or directly elected?
The SF government is already decentralized. The decentralization of the government has led to the institutional racism we see against blacks, Asians and hispanics. Ask any SF board member why reparations are owed and they will not have an answer except to say that they think it is owed because of slavery. Slavery is not the reason. The government policies are the reason...
What we need is decentralized money for the purchase of weed in the legal dispensaries. But we need a strong centralized system, where the entire government is FREE TO ALL regardless of race, color, political background, sexual orientation etc.
Having a free government that serves everyone will allow communities to govern themselves as they see fit.
Community Based Economics
What economic policies, including taxation and land use, would you propose that would drive capital into our communities and keep that capital here for residents?
Housing is a real issue and people are overlooking a major cause of why housing is so expensive.
34,000 people work for the city of San Francisco and most of them live outside of SF. Those 34,000 people live in areas and drive up the cost of rents in those towns. cities.
Solution, the city builds 34,000 housing units for all the government employees.
The rent for those units will be $500, $1000 and $1500. The $500 unit will be a one bedroom, one bath $500 sq ft unit. The $1,000 unit will be a 900 sq ft two bedroom, 1.5 bath unit. The $1500 unit will be 1,200 sq ft three bedroom 2 bath unit.
The city will always own and operate the units and be given to employees based on their needs.
With 34,000 employees living in these units, there will be an immediate decrease in demand for rentals AND coupled with lowering costs to build homes, the market prices for homes will decrease. Making it more affordable for non government employees to rent, build or buy homes in SF. (The biggest pushback will be getting employees to live there if they already bought a house.But I think the bulk of the employees will like walking or biking to work versus driving 45 minutes in traffic).
Do you believe women are underrepresented in city government? If so, why do you believe this is the case? Is this a bad thing, and if so, what would you do to remedy the situation?
Women are not underrepresented. No one is underrepresented in San Francisco.
Respect for diversity
Tell us what you believe are the best and the worst aspects of San Francisco's diversity. How would you try to protect the best while trying to change the worst?
San Francisco does not suffer from lack of diversity. San Francisco suffers from a diverse group of people who are extremely corrupt and not willing to be transparent.
Global and Personal Responsibility
A) What are your thoughts on the Board of Supervisors taking positions on state, national and international issues?
A. It is not the job of the Board of Supervisors to take a stance on international issues. That is why we vote for our Senate and House members.
As far as state issues, if I am elected, the Board of Supervisors should get ready to sue the State of California (or federal government) for any disagreements we as a board have against the State of California.
B) Please describe how you make your political decisions. What is the main basis for your decision making (e.g., consultation with your constituents, political consultants, colleagues, unions, businesses, donors, or your gut feelings)?
B. I base my decision making on my experience as an attorney. I have a ton of experience suing the govt and big corporations.
I do not have time to respond to the rest of your questions because I am doing this by myself. No endorsements, no team of people...just me.
Thank you for your consideration.